HMC Workbook

Huddle Boards How to create a Huddle Board

Be creative when developing your huddle board. It should serve as the visual management for all team members to see how they are doing individually and collectively as a team.

Here are some ideas to include on your board:

❏ List out all your Technicians by name and start tracking their metrics ❏ Number of work orders completed prior day ❏ Wrench time for prior day ❏ Red / Green K-Card for Vehicle Inspection ❏ Red / Green for Time out of the Gate

❏ Include Monthly-To-Date Totals for the following ❏ E / U / R On-Time Response and Completion Percentages

❏ Quarterly Preventative Maintenance Percent Complete

❏ Total Open Work Orders by Category

❏ Open Work Order Goals

❏ Areas of Focus

❏ Parking Lot

❏ Upcoming Events

❏ Technician Training %


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